Pele, The Destroyer
Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of volcanic fires, symbolized woman at her most destructive. Like many others being of Polynesian myth she was a great voyager. She was said to be driven towards Hawaii by a flood. Pele traveled from island searching for a place to live but every time she dug a whole in the ground the sea poured in and drove her back. At last she burrowed into the great volcano Kilauea on the island of Hawaii, without striking water in the solid rock, and there she stayed.
Pele In my own Words.
Pele is the goddess of fire. She is sais hot have a bad temper and symbolizes women at her most destructive. Pele is said by the natives of Hawaii the she was driven there by a great lava flow.
Rongo was known as Ono in Marquesas and Lono Hawaii. His name means “sound” and the Marquesas represented him by a great triton shell called the responder. Rongo principal association was with cultivated foods. As Lono in the Hawaiian Islands he was god of agriculture and was said to have introduce the Markahukurite, a harvest festival that was a time of singing a celebration.
Rongo was known as Ono in Marquesas and Lono Hawaii. His name means “sound” and the Marquesas represented him by a great triton shell called the responder. Rongo principal association was with cultivated foods. As Lono in the Hawaiian Islands he was god of agriculture and was said to have introduce the Markahukurite, a harvest festival that was a time of singing a celebration.
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