Thursday, December 07, 2006

Egyptian Mythology


Mayet was the goddess of the truth, of justice and of reality. She symbolised the balance between the antithese in Egyptian life: between upper and lower Egypt; between the fertile valley and the desert; and so between good and evil. She was the basis of civilisation and Egyptian strength.
The light which Ra brought to the world was mayet: Ra created the world by putting her in the place of chaos. Mayet was always depicted as one of the solar barque.
His name meant sun. Ra was said to be the son of Geb and Nut in the form of a cow. Every morning Ra was born as calf, grew to be a bull by midday, when he fertilized his mother as Kamephis, and died in the evening, to be reborn as his own son next morning. Ra was called “father of the god” and their head or king. He was also said to be father of mankind, and of all other living creatures, which were thought to have grown from his sweat and tears. Ra ruled on the earth over the universe he had created. His reign was a sort of golden age; know to the Egyptians as the “First Time”, when men and gods lived together on earth. Ra was young and vigorous he maintained firm rule, and the power of the divine order. Ra provided mankind, through Thoth, with protective spells to keep them from harm on earth, and his heavenly kingdom because an after where they could hope for eternal bliss. Ra was represented as a falcon headed man and it was crowned with a sun disk encircle by the uraeus spitting fire at Ra’s enemies.

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I'm a senior, I'll be 17 in April, I work at Wendy's, Y puedo hablar ESPAÑOL ;)