Tuesday, December 26, 2006

My Creation, My Mythology


Goddess of hate, rage, revenge, and lust. Being daughter of the great god of war, Anult, she demanded great authority. An enormous temple of gold and precious stones was build for her worship and honor; it was believed that if Cyther was worship she would bring revenge upon the haters of her followers. Cyther was born when her parents deposited all their rage and dark desires in a chest locked and threw it in a deep, dark trench. As soon as it hit the sharp rocks at the bottom it let loose all contents within it. It then mixed with the waters and out of an explosion came Cyther. Cyther is illustrated wearing a long, sexy, red dress and long, silky hair, witch symbolizes lust. She carries a double edge sword in one hand and a rose in the other, which symbolizes her loyalty in completing the desires of those whom worship her.


Sophornia, goddess of love, trust, happiness and joy. Sophornia was illustrated with a colorful dress symbolizing happiness and joy, her hands are stretch out with hearts coming out of them symbolizing her spreading love to the world. Sophornia's worshiping temple was set in the middle of a botanical garden, next to a calming flowing river, symbolizing the flow of impurities out of one's body, mind and soul and the grow of new joyful thoughts. Sophornia's follower would often bring all types of jewelry and pressures rocks extracted out of earth, they believed in return she would get rid of their problems and make life more suiting for them.


God of war. In ancient times before a war, soldiers and world leaders would spend an entire day fasting and praying to Archangel so that he would strengthen them and give them the energy to win the war. Also soldiers would praise them so the he would protect their souls in battle. Offerings such as sacrifices and slaves where brought to him. Archangel was also believed to be the creator of all man kind and god of all gods. Archangel was a 36 foot tall giant, wearing roman armor and caring daggers in each of his hands. Archangel is most powerful and most feared god of all time.


God of the Ocean half octopus, half man. Actosuryan was king of the ocean and creator of all marine life. It was believed that when someone died to put their body to float in the ocean's water so that Actosuryan would protect their soul from burning in the fires of hell. Actosuryan's anger was express by giant tsunamis when his followers disobey his commands. He causes the disappearing of sea food for periods of time so that would stress in the look out for food. When his followers please him, Actosuryan would bring end less portions of fish for the people to eat.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Caribbean Mythology, The best of my Culture.


Agoue is the protector of boats and fishermen
He likes his sacrifices floated to him on small rafts. If they sink you know they have been accepted.
The Great Boss LOA Spirit of the Dead, and probably the most infamously famous character in the Voodou pantheon. Baron-Samedi dressed like an undertaker, he wears a black tailcoat, glossy top hat and dark eyeglasses. Baron-Samedi smokes cigars while on work, twirls a cane and goes in for trance dancing. When not on the graveyard shift he likes to party — particularly on Saturday nights which is why he's called Baron Saturday. He also stands at the metaphysical crossroads of life and death. His wife is Manma Brigitte and he also has two colleagues, Baron La Croix and Baron Cimetiere — who may or may not be aspects of his own grave personality.
The jolly Haitian Goddess of Love and Death. She is so chatty and full of jokes that it's fun when she escorts you to the Underworld. Her husband is Baron Samedi
Goddess of Love, Romance, Beauty and Womanhood. The feminist Loa who displays every aspect of femininity that could or would be expected, with suitable titles so that you know what mood she is in. She also stands in for the Virgin Mary, although not we imagine in the Meek and Mild way. She can also be La- Sirene which we have put under separate heading. There are sure to be others but this should be enough to start you off.
History Makers

The Mirabal Sister

Patria, Dedé, Minerva and Maria Teresa were three Dominican sister heroines that sacrifice them self’s to fight for their country against the abuses of a powerful and corrupt Dominican dictator: Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina. Trujillo had abolished human rights and terrorizes the country with imprisonment, tortures and death. On November 25, 1960, Patria, Minerva, Maria Teresa were murdered on the outskirts of Puerto Plata. The Mirabal sisters lost their lives struggling to restore democracy and the rule of law to their beloved Dominican Republic.

Juan Pablo Duarte

Born in Santo Domingo on January 26, 1813. Duarte was the head of the independence movement in Dominican Republic. Duarte fought along with Francisco Del Rosario Sanchez and Matias Ramon Mella against Spain for our freedom. On February 27, 1844 Dominican Republic was free at last.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Asian Mythology


Great goddess of Japan, highest sun goddess. Her symbol is the raising sun disc, which is also shown on the Japanese flag. She is responsible for sun, family and wisdom. Amaterasu, highest expression of the spirit of nature, would serve well as Matron of a Japanese environmental movement. Amaterasu is the ancestress of Jimmu Tenno, the first emperor of the nation. Japanese legends tell that the goddess had three sacred items called Sanchu No Jingi, which are the sword, the Jewel, and the mirror. The sword represents might and honor, the jewel blessed wealth and beauty upon the nation, and the mirror represents self-knowledge. It has come to represent her divinity, but it is not unreasonable to regard it as a symbol of imagination, consciousness.
Amaterasu in my own words.
Amaterasu Japanese highest sun goddess, she is responsible for the sun, family and wisdom. The sword, the jewel and the mirror were Amaterasu sacred posetions known as the Snachu No Jingi. The words as a symbol of might and honor, the jewel symbolized blessed wealth and beauty to the Japenese nation and the mirror was a symbol of self-knowledge and divinity.

Amatsu-Mikaboshi “August Star of Heaven” Also called Ama-no-Kagaseo “Brilliant Male” Is the god of evil and of the pole star. Mikaboshi is not consider a physical god, but a dark force that existed before the universe was created. Mikaboshi is not a Japanese figure of “Satan” but as a positive force of the life in Shinto. This force is of absolute domination that feeds off human emotions that if one does not keep in check can result in destruction of mental, social and physical emotions. For example, a desire for success can lead to greed and lust for power; this is a result of the Mikaboshi’s residue. Love for someone can lead to obsession or jealousy, also result of the dark influences of Mikaboshi.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Greek Mythology


Hermes was born in a cave on Mount Cyllene in Arcadia, to a mortal mother, Maia. Hermes was the god of all form of magic and trickery, which the Greeks admire. Hermes was also the spirit of the piles of stones with which Greek travelers marked paths, boundaries and holy places. Hermes used a magic rod to stupefy men he practice magic and deception. He used it also on the special escort duty which he carried out as “Psychopompus”, the “Conductor of Souls” to underworld. When Hermes became the general herald and messenger of the gods the rod became his badge of office.
Athena was the Greek goddess of wisdom, war, the arts, industry, justice and skill. She was Zeus favorite child. In fear the Metis,Zeus's wife would bear a son mighther than himself, he swallowed her and she began to make a robe and helmet for her dauther. The hammering of the helmet caused Zeus great headaches and he cried out in agony. His son Hephaestus ran towards himand split his skull open and from it emerge Athena, fully grown and wearing her mother's robe and Helmet.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Oceanic mythology

Pele, The Destroyer

Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of volcanic fires, symbolized woman at her most destructive. Like many others being of Polynesian myth she was a great voyager. She was said to be driven towards Hawaii by a flood. Pele traveled from island searching for a place to live but every time she dug a whole in the ground the sea poured in and drove her back. At last she burrowed into the great volcano Kilauea on the island of Hawaii, without striking water in the solid rock, and there she stayed.
Pele In my own Words.
Pele is the goddess of fire. She is sais hot have a bad temper and symbolizes women at her most destructive. Pele is said by the natives of Hawaii the she was driven there by a great lava flow.

Rongo was known as Ono in Marquesas and Lono Hawaii. His name means “sound” and the Marquesas represented him by a great triton shell called the responder. Rongo principal association was with cultivated foods. As Lono in the Hawaiian Islands he was god of agriculture and was said to have introduce the Markahukurite, a harvest festival that was a time of singing a celebration.

Celtic Mythology


The god of spring, called Sucellus, was also known as the king of the gods. He was especially important to people because they relied on plants and trees for their food supply. Sucellus carried a large hammer with which he hit the earth; waking up the vegetation and making it spring to life. This hammer may also be a symbol of the god’s authority, like a king’s scepter.
Goddess of the horse, Epona was also connected with fertility and water. She remained popular into the Roman period, when Celtic when celtic cavalry soldiers worship her. They even allowed and official festival devoted to her.

Hindu Mythology


Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth and good fortune. In two of her four arms, she carries a lotus blossom (symbol of the soul) and a coin to denote blessing and wealth. As the consort of the protector, she embodies the active side of creation: Vishnu stand for the idea of creation, Lakshmi represents the creative process itself.
Lakshmi in my own words.
Lakshmi is the Hindu Goddess of good fortune an wealth. The blossoms that she holds in two of her four hands represent the sould, and the coins symbolize the spreding of wealth. Lakshmi also symbolizes the creation of life.


The son of Shiva, called Kumara, Skanda, Subrahmaya or Kartikeyya, is the god of war. In one story of his birth, he was born from the Ganges Rivers, and is know as Ganga-ja or “born from the Ganges”. In another, he started life as six children made from six sparks from Shiva’s eyes.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Egyptian Mythology


Mayet was the goddess of the truth, of justice and of reality. She symbolised the balance between the antithese in Egyptian life: between upper and lower Egypt; between the fertile valley and the desert; and so between good and evil. She was the basis of civilisation and Egyptian strength.
The light which Ra brought to the world was mayet: Ra created the world by putting her in the place of chaos. Mayet was always depicted as one of the solar barque.
His name meant sun. Ra was said to be the son of Geb and Nut in the form of a cow. Every morning Ra was born as calf, grew to be a bull by midday, when he fertilized his mother as Kamephis, and died in the evening, to be reborn as his own son next morning. Ra was called “father of the god” and their head or king. He was also said to be father of mankind, and of all other living creatures, which were thought to have grown from his sweat and tears. Ra ruled on the earth over the universe he had created. His reign was a sort of golden age; know to the Egyptians as the “First Time”, when men and gods lived together on earth. Ra was young and vigorous he maintained firm rule, and the power of the divine order. Ra provided mankind, through Thoth, with protective spells to keep them from harm on earth, and his heavenly kingdom because an after where they could hope for eternal bliss. Ra was represented as a falcon headed man and it was crowned with a sun disk encircle by the uraeus spitting fire at Ra’s enemies.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Definitions for Mythology.

1) A body of myths relating to a particular country or person; the study of myths.
2) A body or collection of myths belonging to a people and addressing their origin, history, deities, ancestors, and heroes; a body of myths associated with an event, individual, or institution; the field of scholarship dealing with the systematic collection and study of myths.
Is the "branch of knowledge that deals with myths; the study of myths". In addition, it refers to the body of myths from a particular culture or religion.
4) For our purposes the word mythology has two related meanings. Firstly it refers to a collection of myths that together form a mythological system. Thus one can speak of "Egyptian Mythology", "Indian Mythology", "Maori Mythology" or "Greek Mythology". In this sense one is describing a system of myths which were used by a particular society at some particular time in human history. It is also possible to group mythologies in other ways. For example one can group them geographically and then speak of "Oceanic Mythology", "Oriental Mythology" and "African Mythology".
A second meaning of the term mythology is the academic study of myths and systems of myths in general.

A body or collection of myths belonging to a people and addressing their origin, history, deities, ancestors, and heroes.

A body of myths associated with an event, individual, or institution: “A new mythology, essential to the . . . American funeral rite, has grown up” (Jessica Mitford)
The field of scholarship dealing with the systematic collection and study of myths.

The Purpose of mythology is to explain the believes of differents cultures and their gods. It also show the prespective of different cultures ways of believing in creation of the human race.

In My Own Words

The believe of myths, Gods and Goddess to serve as food for ones soul. The believe of the spirit world. The study of myths.

The purpuse o0f mythology is the way different cultures use gods and goddess to explin their excistence in the world because each culture believes that a god created them.

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I'm a senior, I'll be 17 in April, I work at Wendy's, Y puedo hablar ESPAÑOL ;)